Ah, I din't know what else to name it 😛 hehe so I guess its just the angle I took the picture from. The crackers are yum .. with tea, with juice 🙂 We're always munching. Reminds me of those biscuits I'd eat as a child. Mum always joked that she'd get me married to... Continue Reading →

Abu Dhabi. I miss you.

Abu Dhabi. This was the first National Day I've missed in a couple of years.  I can't wait to come back and see you again but I'm not sure I can anymore. Yeah may be if we take a visa but so long you were home now with parents moving out I'm not sure if... Continue Reading →

The 3K Pet walk.

From the time I can remember I've had pets. Almost got home from the hospital to my grandparents and their dog Lucy and 9 cats waiting for me at home 🙂 Later on growing up to running home from school throwing my bag aside and running to the kennel with food for my Labrador and... Continue Reading →

Celebrate Good Times.

Unplugged. Back on unknown roads. Looking at the calm water and the powerful sky. Breathing. It isn't the end of the world she said. But why did things get so hard then??? Life's uncertain. There's a reason people sing "Never say never". But what if you work for something day and night. Get addicted but there... Continue Reading →

A long long drive down to Sarasota. The beautiful bridge. Skies like they're almost down to ground waving and you could just scoop them up like ice cream. So dramatic. Water on either sides, singing and the love of my life 🙂 can't I just keep travelling everyday??? Oh, God. Please get me a job... Continue Reading →

Waiting. Keeping hopes alive. Dear dreams, I shall hopefully see you soon when you start transforming into my lifes reality 🙂 Love, A.D!

What photography teaches you..

and random facts 😀 What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” - Karl Lagerfeld  Philosophy strikes again 😛 so here goes. 1. Photography is a lot like life. There are a lot of compromises- Robert Lawson (our professor)  [The clouds. the shadows. the weather. the... Continue Reading →

The weekends over and I'm here sitting with my cup of coffee, done with my cooking, looking at photographs taken during the weekend, now and then looking outside the window. Its been foggy, slightly cold inside the house and raining all morning. Beauty. So I switch on the radio and the lady is complaining how the... Continue Reading →

Focus kithe hai?

FOCUS. Always a choice. Choice between the right and wrong. Choice between what you let into your life and what you keep away.Like in photography, it is what you see in the foreground or what you choose to blur out of the image. Perceptions are different. We all see things differently. Optimism doesn't come naturally to... Continue Reading →

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