Seattle: Ferry to Bainbridge Island

Drinking what was left of the Organic Tea from "The Crumpet Shop" I grab my camera and walk with R.G. With great weather in the city comes an even greater responsibility of traveling as much as you can (considering the Seattle weather games). Lucky for us the temperatures remained great and there was plenty of... Continue Reading →

Gautam rescues the day.

I sit breaking my head trying to write. It is like I know what I want to write but for some reason I've been in the same position all day trying to gather words to describe whats in my head. I walk around grab novels and magazines thinking that they will either distract me from... Continue Reading →

SEATTLE: Must Love Crumpets

Every trip R.G and I have taken in the last one year has started with not just rushing to the airport followed by waking up late in the new city but also walking the streets with absolutely no plan in mind. It is a different kind of experience. One that I'm not used to but... Continue Reading →

Seattle Calling.

Fernweh: Longing to go to far off places, craving to travel. There was one such little calling from Orlando last month where we celebrated our First Wedding Anniversary. Home for two weeks and I have been finding myself wondering where next. Luckily, R.G decides to attend a conference that is being held in Seattle *does... Continue Reading →

Snap back to Reality :)

Time's flying is such an understatement right now. I don't even know what I was upto last week. It is all a blur in my head. Travel happened. Our first Wedding Anniversary happened and just an endless list of routine and not so routine things that I can't even keep track of. Documentaries that have... Continue Reading →

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