Yoga still kicking my butt

The last two weeks I've tried a few different kinds of Yoga. Gentle, restorative, vinyasa. While restorative yoga made me feel like I got out of a spa - relaxed, rejuvenated and centered, the vinyasa flow was BRUTAL. I mean that in a good way. I've managed to not be as conscious as I was... Continue Reading →

Yoga and how it makes me feel

After seeing a post about how Yoga is a full body, mind and soul workout it reminded me of how much I’ve been struggling with doing it. For someone who very comfortably could go into a lunge and do the warrior pose or the tree pose with ease I could barely keep myself stable through... Continue Reading →

Vishu 2017 and Indian OOTD 

Vishu. The only day I could get to take half day from School. Also Onam 😄 Note how it was only a half day and not full? No fever or excuse was good enough to be absent but the new year and Onam. Ammayis, Ammavans, grandparents, Appachi and Chittappan and their friends and neighbors would... Continue Reading →

Jewelry of the week

Ever since my mum decided to organize my jewelry and sort them according to type for me my life's become easy and now I feel like I can just take them out and put them back with no headache and that also makes it easy to keep wearing different ones and not pick up the... Continue Reading →

Style rut 

Is that even a thing? I know it is. I've googled it. 😀 whatever it is feels like the story of my life right now. A friend of mine messaged me after a long break and complimented me on the way I used to dress or accessorize or do my hair and asked me why... Continue Reading →

15 minute cleaning funda

This is the story of my life. Every time I try to cook it is like a bomb went off in the kitchen. I have energy today. I even took some time to sleep in the afternoon. Sitting with my mason jar full of water here I am typing away. I just cleaned my kitchen... Continue Reading →

It is a Berry good Tuesday!!

  The last time I took pictures with the camera was back in February when we had guests visiting who asked me if I could take some pictures for them and then the poor camera just sat there on the Entertainment center waiting, just waiting to be held :/ 😛 (Too much?  Dramatic enough for... Continue Reading →

Whatsapp Killin’ it.

I am a part of so many Whatsapp groups right now that its getting to a point where I can't even keep track of what is going on. Whats worse is forgetting to wish people on it. Amma has to remind me to do it most times just because I've even stopped reading whats going... Continue Reading →

Quiet evening…

Constant arranging and rearranging of things here at home. It's a quiet evening and I'm so happy that it is. Happy to just look around and see things I love. 

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