The Rains.

How do you enjoy just sitting outside when the News has already caused a Tsunami inside your head? Lets Pray for Gaza, Raju the Elephant and everyone else who needs blessings today.  

A little too late :(

A little too late to post this. Months since I've written this but postponed it. I don't even know why. I guess I just had hopes that I would still be talking to you over the phone and seeing you when I come home. But your gone and there is this wish that there is... Continue Reading →


 Familiarity to things? The need to know someone. Belong somewhere. The wish that someone would just smile and greet you. The need to know that your not alone. The need to be able to open up and tell someone how you feel, how things affect you or just how life is.  There are two kinds.... Continue Reading →

Is there a good way to say goodbye? Is it all gone? Are there just the memories now?

He’s gone..

Writing makes u feel better. Ive been writing and deleting about him for months. I wanted to write to him the way he used to. Little notes with every gift. Why did I wait so long 😦 now your gone. 31st of December. Mom called and said  grandpa left us 😦 cancer took him away.... Continue Reading →


I have decided that I will not watch documentaries anymore. I am not even kidding. As much as I've loved national geographic and BBC documentaries and reading up on news and other articles. I almost want to curl myself and not go out anymore not even watch TV. The other day my friend Sashu messages... Continue Reading →

I had just put my phone aside and decided I needed to catch up on some reading when I started hearing it constantly ring. It wasn't a call. Just messages I told myself as I got back to what I was doing. It continued for a few more minutes when I thought may be I... Continue Reading →

Dealing with pain…

LOSS; the four letter word always rings a bell in the head.  Fresh wounds that don't seem to heal, Prayers that seem to bring no answers. What could you have done that would change the state your in, in any way??? Praying and the urge to curl up and cry your heart out. The feeling like your... Continue Reading →

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